So I know I'm not the only one who is crazily lost, when I figure out what love actually mean I think I'll know what to do, but until then I believe I am "stuck in the moment. If you've ever said "I love you" to someone you probably thought or think you meant it but really in the end you had NO idea what you were saying, I don't think half of us have even figured out what it means to quote " LOVE" someone. I have no idea what to do, so is flirting with both wrong ? This is where my crazy question comes in, is it crazy of me to like two guys, and one that I almost possibly dated now liking him again ? Sometimes I wonder when all of this will fade away and become a bad memory until then i'm "stuck in the moment" but being "stuck" is also leaving me clueless, annoyed, and confused oh and on top of all that I don't know which one I like more. I wonder at what point does age become irrelevant ? The sad thing is not only do I like just this one guy, I also like another guy that i've liked since the beginning of school. Now, continuing her self-assessed reputation for coming 'back from the dead,' Dobson has been 'living life and writing. It seems almost back to the way things were, I liked him and he liked me but it would go no farther because of age. Joy set a new phase in motion for Dobson, and gave her several major hits in her home country ('Stuttering' and 'Ghost' reached the top 20 in Canada, and 'I Want You' was featured in promos for Elliot Page's 2009 film Whip It). For me I saw someone I liked for almost 4 months and I thought I was over them, but knowing this morning that I had a chance of seeing him, I tried to look my best, I saw him and we talked for almost an hour.

People are always saying as you get older life gets easier that may be true but not when you are talking to a teen. I know a lot of the time I think I'm crazy sometimes it will be total mood swings, and grumpy or the happiest person on earth. That may explain why some of us sleep in so late, we are too scared to wake up and face reality. You have WAY too much on your mind all the time or at least it seems like it. A lot of the time as a teenager you have no idea what to do. How do you know if your in love ? Can you ever get over someone like completely ? What is love ? These are questions I ask myself almost daily.